A Little Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring

A Little Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring

Imagine relaxing here! Image credit: The Garden Company

A Little Mission – Refresh your Garden for spring so that you can enjoy your outdoor space as much as you would any room in your home.

Funny isn’t it how you can kid yourself that there can’t be too much to do in order to get the garden into a place ready for entertaining. I spent a lot of time in the garden last year but taking a look this last week, I have a “to do” list longer than I had anticipated.. Mainly because, just like the previous Blogs in this mini series, I was looking with fresh eyes, new ideas and my creating brain started whirring!

Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes

Marcel Proust

I’m not an expert gardener by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope that by sharing what has worked for me from an organisational point of view, might help you too. I’m learning every day and enjoying that process. Can’t beat a good Mission hey!

spring refresh white jug of garden flowers on a white ceramic tray
There’s something quite special about bringing flowers into the home straight from the garden.

We have a little family joke that looking after the garden is like outdoor housework and I guess in some ways it is!

Much like a Spring Refresh in your home, a plan is good. Remember you don’t need to do all the jobs in one day! Take that pressure away! Sometimes we can overwhelm ourselves with the prospect that a job will be BIG, time consuming, expensive and then we procrastinate..

With any project, home, garden, work or life; break it down into bite size chunks. Knowing the tasks ahead of you means you can plan a Power of an Hour or two to get started on your Spring Refresh – Garden Style!

First things first!

Grab a notebook and take a wonder around your garden, making a note of :

Paintwork that needs updating – fences, garden furniture, sheds and gates etc.

Any repairs that need doing; maybe a latch on the gate needs replacing or some paving has come loose.

Pots and tubs – do they need some attention? Are there any cracks or need an upcycle with a lick of paint before you plant out your seedlings?

Paving and walls – do they need some attention? Again, like your tubs, are there any cracks? Would they benefit from a powerwash or deep clean or your walls a paint?

Grass – that first cut is always a highlight and makes a world of difference instantly! As does redefining the edges that may have become scraggly over the winter months.

Service! This might be a time to give the lawnmover, strimmer and any garden tools a service or bit of TLC, depending on how organised you were at the end of last Summer!

This list isn’t exhaustive obviously, remember we are talking about a Spring Refresh in your garden, not designing a new outdoor space. However, creating this list, helped me plan what needs doing and when I could block out some time (and weather depending) when it could fit into my diary.

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

Robin Williams

Mission Spring Clean!

I was introduced to a product a couple of years ago now which I love. Wet and Forget – literally does what it says on the bottle! If you have a delicate area that wouldn’t withstand a powerwasher or like us, you don’t have one, this is for you! Simply spray on the patio, driveway, walls etc and forget about it.

Within days, you’ll start to notice the area becoming cleaner and brighter. Give the patio, driveway area a good brush with a hard brush and you’ll notice any moss and weeds will come loose too. It’s quick, simple and more importantly works! It’s saved us a fortune – we’ve not needed to repaint the house!

Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring!

Paint work, especially on fences, decking and your garden furniture will certainly benefit from a little freshen up. There are hundreds of paints and treatments available, depending on your preference. Many have a preservative treatment within the paint, helping to give a longer life to your furniture.

refresh your garden For Spring

Top tips from Cuprinol

Preparation: All surfaces should be clean and dry. If your area to be up cycled has been previously coated, loose, flaking paint should be stripped back to bare wood. Test a small area first for colour and adhesion.

Colour: The final colour will vary depending on the surface and number of coats. Should adhesion be inadequate on previous coatings, lightly sand before application. Make sure wood has been pre treated with appropriate wood preserver to prevent wood and decay.

Apply: in dry conditions, above 5 degrees Celsius and when bad weather is not forecast, minimum of 2 coats required.

Brush: Stir thoroughly, before and during use. Brush on product, evenly, along the grain.

Spray: Stir thoroughly before pouring contents into the Cuprinol sprayer. Refer to the Sprayer user guide for full instructions before every use. Cover any nearby surfaces in case of overspray. Any overspray should be cleaned up immediately (whilst still wet) with water and household detergent.

Dry: Cuprinol Garden Shades will be touch dry in 1 hour under normal weather conditions. On areas subject to wear, such as garden furniture, allow a few days before heavy use or contact with soft furnishings. Believed to be safe, once dry, for use on wood which pets, wild animals and birds come into contact or gnaw.

refresh your garden For Spring
Even a small space can have a big inpact. The planters are from The Basket Company

Mission: Spring Refresh your Entertaining Space.

Regardless of how big or small your garden is, a little space where you can enjoy the a coffee morning sun or a chilled glass of wine in the evening, is magical. Enjoying our outdoor space, is invaluable.

refresh your garden For Spring
There’s something quite special about enjoying a cuppa and conversation outside.


Google, Pinterest and Instagram are a great place to start when looking for inspiration but be warned – it’s so easy to get sidetracked! There’s a variety depending on budget or you may be inspired to make your own! I hope they inspire you.

Our garden furniture was a gift when we moved into our first home together. We’ve not yet decided on our seating design or brand but I’ve shared some of my favourites finds for you, should you be looking too.

It really is hanging on by a thread or maybe the many layers of paint we’ve used to get “just another year” from it, for both sentimental reasons and also financial. Anyone slowly but surely renovating their home will know, there is a list of priorities!

The Little Touches!

The fun bit!

Plants, lighting and soft furnishings can really add the finishing touches to your garden or “outdoor room”. Balcony or grand estate, a Spring Refresh, there are hundreds and thousands of ideas that will turn your space into a sanctuary you’ll truly love.

I really hope that you are well and able to enjoy some time outside and that really hope this has helped you get motivated and inspired to get on with your Big Spring Refresh – The Garden.

image of the paxos garden set fromCharlesTed refresh your garden For Spring?

How we long for long, warm summer days, the sound of laughter and the clinking of glasses as we welcome friends and family back into our gardens.

I really can’t wait for the warmer days now can you?

Are you spending this weekend tackling the garden jobs?

What’s on your Mission list to refresh your garden For Spring?

I’d love to know what garden projects you have planned this year. Let me know in the comments below and join in the conversation on Instagram The Dartmoor Village Garden board on was created for my White Garden inspiration if you fancy taking a look..

Looking hearward from you.

Much love

PS Alice Blount Designs and I wrote a blog about Gardening being good for the soul , it’s still available on the Blog should you wish to take a look.

Is it possible to be too kind?

Is it possible to be too kind?

What does the word “Kindness” mean to you? It is possible to be too kind? In this Blog, I’d like to explore the concept of kindness and how it affects us..

Kindness and what it means, is a topic I’ve been chatting with my friends over the last few months, which have created some really interesting conversations based on our experiences and our upbringing.

What does the word “Kindness” mean?

A good place to start might be to define the word kindness.

Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, rendering assistant or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward in return.


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Kindness is “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.”

“he thanked them for their kindness and support”

two cups and a vase of flowers outside on a table

For me, kindness all about how we treat people, how we act towards others without expecting anything else in return. Remembering things, such as important dates, anniversaries, interviews that are important to my friends,

One of the lessons my grandmother Ruby always taught me was “treat others how we wish to be treated”

I took that as to treat people without agenda, without expectation; I guess essentially, to “be kind” for me is to do react in a way that is authentically me; by being true to myself and my personal beliefs.

What does kindness mean to you?

Where do your beliefs come from?

What if your kindness is misunderstood?

It is through conversations with friends, that it’s not unusual for an act of kindness (or to be kind) can be very much misunderstood. It can make people on the receiving end feel uncomfortable.

As a result, kindness can be misperceived, become expected and even abused.

A good friend of mine, let’s call her Catherine, shared how she’d taken a bouquet of flowers to a friend who was remembering the passing of a family member. Catherine wanted to show her friend that she cared, because she understood and could empathise what an emotional time she was going through and how she wasn’t on her own.

bouquet of white tulips with a white background

Sadly, the flowers weren’t received with the love, thought and kindness anticipated. Catherine was thanked but told that her kindness, the gift of the bouquet, had made the recipient feel very uncomfortable. Not because she had remembered the the emotion around the date and the pain her friend would be going through but that the gift of the flowers, had made Catherine’s friend feel in debt, that she now needed to do something in return, to reciprocate the act.

I wonder if this scenario sounds familiar to you?

If you have ever experienced this happening, because you’re not alone. It happens, it hurts but it does happen to all of us.

Is it okay to question someones kindness?

Charlie Mackesy's Boy and the mole sitting on the floor

Another friend, let’s call her Anna, was hurt dreadfully during the pandemic..

A time where we all felt out of sorts and struggling to make adjustments to the crazy world of lockdowns and uncertainty. Anna’s kindness, empathy and understanding of a mutual friend of ours was rejected in a bitter way, of which she still feels hurt today..

Anna was told she was “too kind” by remembering to check in on our friend who was struggling with grief and having a stressful time, like many of us were.

Anna’s friend questioned her “why” and saw her kindness and thoughtfulness as a threat.

“Why are you being so nice?”

“My friends think you’re weird”

“It’s as if you have a hidden agenda, why are you being so kind?”

What to do if your kindness is rejected?

These are all pretty hurtful comments I wonder if you agree? Does this response say a little more about the place that Anna’s friend was at this time and not the actual act of kindness itself. Could it be that Anna’s friend was feeling vulnerable, anxious and out of sorts? We are yet to know, but I sincerely hope she’s in a better place now and can except any kindness that comes her way without questioning why.

If this resonates with you, you may wish to read a blog I’ve previously written about Boundaries and Friendships which might help.

One of my favourite quotes by Audrey Hepburn:

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”


It’s hard to feel that you have caused any upset by being yourself. Remember this, if you are acting out of genuine care and by being your authentic true self, without agenda, knowing in your heart you mean no harm – that surely is OK?

Our behaviours and responses to situation such as the ones I’ve described above, stem from our experiences and upbringing. It is for that reason we can’t always appreciate that others will take our gestures as we mean them or even understand that there IS no agenda..

image of me sitting overlooking Dartmoor as the sun rises
Reflection and knowing your personal boundaries is a good thing!

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things”

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Why are we kind to people?

Are we kind to people for selfish reasons of the feeling of gratitude?

Are we kind to people, for genuine and honest reasons? I know I am.

In conclusion, is it possible to be too kind?

Let’s keep the conversation going.

I’d love to know your comments and experiences,

Love and best wishes


Join me on Instagram and join in the conversation. I’d love to see you there.

10 Key Items You’ll Always See In My Rucksack

10 Key Items You’ll Always See In My Rucksack

me on Dartmoor watching the sunrise

Comfort and safety are key issues when planning a hike of any distance, here are the 10 key items you’ll always see in my rucksack when hiking.

“What do I need to bring with me?” A question I’m always asked when friends join me on my hiking Missions. I hope by sharing what I take with me, helps make your hiking missions all that more enjoyable and comfortable.

pink star indicating a point RuckSack

It’s no lie that for each hike (so far!) I’ve had to borrow my husbands rucksack. Not ideal admittedly. A comfortable rucksack is a must when out walking and ideally one that is the correct fit for you.

I love the look and style of The Tempest 20 Women’s day pack (left) Not only is it women specific but it features a continuous-wrap harness, hipbelt and injection-melded AirScape backpanel that moves as you move down the trail.

Together with attachments for trekking poles, bike helmets and more, it’s light and has an emergency whistle. The Tempest is made with high-quality bluesign-approved recycled high-tenacity nylon and holds 5-8kgs.

Like any running event, before a hike or in fact any walk, I lay out my kit the night before. I’ve been known to check and triple check that I have everything I need. When you’re out on Dartmoor or hiking along the coast path, you want to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as it possibly can. A check list helps a peaceful nights sleep and keep any early morning stresses to a minimum!

pink star indicating a point Mini First Aid Kit

As the saying goes, “once a nurse, always a nurse!” It may not surprise you that a first aid kit features quite high on my list of 10 key items you’ll always find in my rucksack! You never know when a trip, blister or even a cut finger can happen and it really is better to be save than sorry.

10 key items you'll always find on in my rucksack

My First Aid Kit always includes a crepe bandage, a woven bandage, Paracetamol, blister plasters, antiseptic wipes, gauze swabs, dressings and assorted plasters. You can make up your own or the Ordnance Survey crew has created a brilliant one specially for walkers.

An item I haven’t added but need to, is an emergency thermal blanket Windproof, waterproof, highly visible and radar reflective. Super light, very small to carry yet should a member of your party fall, can be a lifesaver as you wait for a rescue.

Under the first aid kit heading, I always keep suncream, bug spray and lip balm handy in my rucksack, regardless of season. Living in Devon, the weather can be very unpredictable on Dartmoor and the Coast Path alike.

pink star indicating a point Water

Another obvious addition to my all important kit list is to make sure you have enough water.. As a former personal trainer and lifestyle and wellbeing coach, it’s something I would always chat with my clients about. Being well hydrated whilst exercising and going about your daily life is a key element to good health and well-being. When we’re dehydrated, we feel more tired and everything is that much harder, including concentration. So please make sure you keep your fluids up.

I’m a lover of the Chilly bottles, which not only keep your water cooler for longer (24 hours) They are reusable, so avoids the use of single use bottles, a win for me and the environment!

10 key items you'll always se in my rucksack

pink star indicating a point Snacks

Did I mention that my list was in no particular order ? Snacks are an important part of a hike! Homemade cookies or flapjacks always go down a treat. Essentially take with you something that’s of high protein, tasty and will replenish essential nutrients. You may want to consider snacks that don’t melt!

Walking can be seen as an activity that doesn’t burn many calories in comparison to other outdoor adventures. Don’t underestimate those inclines and calories burned whilst out in the great outdoors!

pink star indicating a point Money

I’d recommend taking actual cash and a card with you. I know this seems glaringly obvious but since our Lockdown days when cash became almost obsolete, some cafes and ferries have gone back to using cash only. I keep a little emergency fund of coins, notes and a card in my rucksack to I’m not caught out. Which brings me neatly onto the next on my list of 10 key items you’ll always see in my rucksack.

pink star indicating a point The Technical kit

It’s sounds very obvious but having not only a phone but a portable charger with me is crucial. When planning hikes, you have an idea of roughy how long you’ll be outside for, however not everything always goes to plan.

A hike may take longer than anticipated meaning your phone battery might not last the stretch. Without any means of communication, you won’t be in a strong position to request help or to let your loved ones know how you are. If you rely on the wallet application on your phone, you could also be in a tricky situation of being stuck without money too.

Having a phone with me, not only gives me piece of mind but also, allows me to take photographs to capture the precious moments. There are quite often seals and dolphins along the coast in the summer and if you follow me on instagram, you’ll know I’m a sucker for a sunrise and a sunset!

10 key items you'll always find in my rucksack.

pink star indicating a point Essential Accessories

Never underestimate the power of a hat and a buff! (Some people call them neck tubes or snoods.) Whatever the season, these two accessories can be absolute winning pieces of kit. They provide you with extra protection from the elements and are small enough to pop back into your rucksack should you not need them.

Covering your head with a hood or hat is an easy way to conserve your body heat and stay warmer. In addition, covering your head with a light coloured cap in the summer, will keep you cool and help to discourage heatstroke and effects from the sun.

“Hiking and happiness go hand in hand (or foot in boot).”

Unknown Author

pink star indicating a point Spare Clothes

The weather in Devon, especially on Dartmoor, can be very unpredictable. On the Virtual marathon coastal hike last October, we literally had every season in one day. From driving rain, a big chilly wind and warm hot sunshine.

Base layers, waterproof trousers and wind proof jackets are essential pieces of kit to stay warm and dry. The key thing about base layers, is that the are thin and will keep you well insulated. When they aren’t required, they are small enough to roll up and put into your rucksack without taking up to much space and adding unnecessary weight and bulk.

“You need special shoes for hiking—and a bit of a special soul as well.”

terri guillemets
10 key items you'll always se in my rucksack

pink star indicating a point Socks

A top tip my Father in law shared with me, as I was preparing for my first ever marathon walk, was to take a spare pair of socks with me. “Change into a lovely fresh pair of socks half way into your walk. You and your feet will feel like new”

That advice has never left me and it’s a tip I now lovingly pass on. Socks from Bam are my absolute go to socks. I especially love their Technical walking socks for my walks and hikes. You’ll always find me in them and always with a spare pair for half way. Thanks John!

pink star indicating a point Map

I’m an old fashioned girl and personally feel that you can’t beat an old fashioned map! You never know when technology may fail you. A map will always be there should your phone or charger stop working. Ordnance Survey not only have a super range of maps but they also have a brilliant app.

10 items I always keep in my rucksack

Their maps and short walking guides are just what you need to be able to explore your area safely, plan your routes and know where your next refreshment stop may be!

Currently, I print off my route and laminate to attach to my rucksack, so I can check my distance and progress as I go along. A better option would be to use a lightweight case which is just the thing you need to keep your paper maps safe, clean and dry when you are out in all weathers.

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Beverly sills
10 key items you'll always se in my rucksack

pink star indicating a point A Smile!

Last but no means least and very cheesy I know but come rain or shine, it really is a joy to be able to walk in our beautiful countryside. You’ll always see a smile on my face. I’ve always been a lover of walking and hiking but added walking into my daily routine during Lockdown. It became one of my one positive actions a day and I’ve not looked back.

I feel very lucky to be living in such a lovely part of the world with Dartmoor and the South West Coast path on my doorstep, so that’s why a smile will always be on my “10 items you always see in my rucksack” list!

Have I missed anything? What would you add on your list?

Let me know in the comments.



How to save a life by doing these three things.

How to save a life by doing these three things.

womanonamission supporting dkms text

I’m going to show you how you can save a life by doing three things today. Saving a life sounds pretty dramatic doesn’t it? However, in this Blog, I’ll be sharing simple tools that’ll help in less than 2 minutes.

It’s my Mission to raise as much awareness as I physically can and £50,000 for DKMS, one of the UK’s leading blood cancer charities

How YOU can help save a life by doing these three things:

1. Register to become a potential life saver 

DKMS swabs

I know! You’ve heard me say this a million times! 

Being a Stem Cell Donor is high on my wish list, but what does it actually mean? Find out more here

Registering to the blood stem cell register is super quick – it takes less than two minutes. 

You can register from the ages of 17-55 and you’ll be on the register until the age of 61, unless you choose to be removed before then. 

Click this link to order your registration kit and PLEASE remember to send it back!! 

” Knowing that little bag of goodness is potentially going to save someone’s life who you’ve never met is incredibly hard to describe until you do it!

It’s the most surreal feeling, so to anyone thinking about it – do it!”

Jade, stem cell donor

2. Talk!!

Yes, so simple but SO effective. Only 3% of the populations are on the Stem Cell register. Many don’t know about the incredible work that DKMS do…

We can change that..

Please help me spread the word.. Tell your friends, share this link and together we can help so many more people by raising awareness and funds for this super important cause, close to my heart.

Every 27 seconds, someone somewhere in the world is diagnosed with blood cancer.


3. Easyfundraising – it IS that easy!

Please support by adding this app to your phone and link to your toolbar on your lap top. 

Whenever you shop, the “donation reminder” will flash up reminding you the company you are shopping with will donate a percentage of your order to the Mission 50. 

images of shops logos

It sounds too good to be true but it really isn’t! There are hundreds of brands involved so whether you’re completing your online food shopping or renewing your pet insurance, you can add valuable pennies to DKMS without doing anything at all! 

You can turn your weekly grocery shopping into big donations for DKMS_UK when you use easyfundraising. They’ve even put together all the latest donations and offers from your favourite supermarkets in one place!

Not only that…

You can WIN daily prizes worth £100 for yourself by entering the #easyfundraising Summer of Fun giveaway until 31st July!

For an entry, visit their competition page and shop with any of the listed brands. The FREE donations you raise will also make a BIG difference to us, so please take a moment to get involved! Visit here and find out more…


Follow me on instagram for more regular updates on what crazy things I’m up to and how you can support.

Here’s what’s coming up!

womanonamission supporting dkms text

July 2022

Virtual 5km Fun Run or walk.

I have fab news that if you missed the virtual 5km run / walk on 7th July, you can still join in! 
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 5𝐤𝐦? Anytime before the end of 31st July⁠ 2022
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐥? ⁠
Take a selfie, share on your social media, using the hashtag #mission50fordkms and I’ve just run 5km for @dkms_uk and @Claire_womanonamission ⁠
We will then send you a medal as a thank you for taking part!⁠

Virtual Ride from SWDevon to DKMS HQ in Chiswick

You may remember in March I cycled from DKMS HQ, London to DKMS HQ in Germany, totalling over 330 miles? Well, I’m at it again!

This time from West to East!

A total of 220.8 miles on the Keiser bike! Huge thanks to Digme Fitness for their ongoing support.

August 2022

Turns out I’m a little bonkers! Shh, don’t answer that! My two teenagers and I are throwing ourselves out of a plane at 17,000ft, free falling for 60 seconds and skydiving to the ground. All for @dkms_uk 

We’d be so grateful if you may sponsor us!

September 2022

A busy couple of months as there are not one but TWO Missions happening within a short space of time!

The Snowdon Triathlon 16th September

This alternative triathlon involves a 17km cycle across Snowdonia National Park, a 14km trek up Snowdon and 4km paddle round the stunning Llyn Padarn. Take in the sights of the UK’s wildest adventure playground, challenge yourself, and raise money to help delete blood cancer!

Join the Team This will be a 100% DKMS event, so a great way to meet fellow supporters and feel part of Team DKMS.

You’ll be fully supported and we’d love to see you. Simply click the link and book your space! Of course,

October 2022

Virtual London Marathon – 2nd October

I was really hoping to be able to run my 5th London Marathon in London, but it was not meant to be. Instead, I have a virtual place and will be trekking along the South West Coastal Path whilst the masses run the streets of London.

There’s a lot more planned so keep posted..

If there’s one thing you do today is to remember there are three ways you can help save a life:

pink star indicating a pointRegister to become a Stem cell Donor

pink star indicating a point Talk.. LOUDLY about DKMS. Share this post, tell at least one person today about the Mission 50 for DKMS

pink star indicating a point Register for the Easyfundraising App

Together, by doing each of these three things, you and I can help save a life and hopefully many lives!

If your company or brand would like to get involved and sponsor a forthcoming event or donate a prize, please do get in touch.

Thank you so very much!

image of world with fact - every 27 seconds someone somewhere in thwe world is diaqgnosed with blood cancer

How to find the joy within your workout

How to find the joy within your workout

lady leaping wearing fitness clothes

You CAN find joy within your workout, as long as you find the right workout for you.

Getting fitter and staying fit has many positive benefits, it’s the starting that can be the tricky thing if you’ve had a break for a while.

The key thing for me is that I have to do something I love and feel a real connection with the people I’m training with. 

After all, life is short and if you don’t enjoy a workout maybe, you’ve just not found the right one yet?? 

Having qualified as a PT, founded and ran my own fitness and lifestyle business for almost a decade, I know just how much benefit you can get from a good workout, mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s also magical to see your clients feel the same. 

finding the joy in the early morning sunrise on my walk

The winter often has a negative impact on people’s schedules for keeping fit. The cold weather and dark nights can demoralise the best of us and have us snuggled up on the couch next to the fire indoors, however I’m going to share some tips on springing back into action and getting back into your exercise routine.

Whether you are starting again or continuing on with your activities, now is a great time to increase your fitness activities.  If you are training outdoors the fresh air will do you good and re-energise your winter lull.

It is fantastic now the mornings are brighter and the evenings are longer, it certainly makes a huge difference being outside in the open air. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know I love my early morning stomp in the Devon Lanes.

The Digme Studio Experience – Anytime. Anywhere.

March 2020 and as if you need reminding, Lockdown happened. We were all working and working out from home and became spoilt for choice with instructors taking their business online. Digme On Demand has kept me going since then, with over 100 Live classes & On Demand workouts each week, including Cycle, HIIT, Strength, Run, Yoga, Breathwork, Walk classes with their world class instructors.

I found Digme Fitness with huge thanks to Mr Ben Shepherd and his instagram live workouts he was doing with Ben Davies. Ben is the head coach at Digme and I loved joining in with their Challenges each week during that crazy Spring / Summer of 2020. Thank you Mr Shephard! So much fun and banter – I miss it! 

I discovered that within 48 hours of the UK going into National Lockdown, the Digme crew and their incredible instructors turned their business entirely online. Hurrah!  Living in Devon, it’s not possible to travel to their London Studios but it IS possible to feel apart of the Digme Family. 

There are fabulous motivational challenges with that extra power boost that only the Digme community can bring, so whatever your schedule and whatever your health and fitness goals, you’ll certainly be catered for. These challenges are certainly helping me on my Mission 50 for DKMS; my Mission to raise £50,000 for the blood cancer charity DKMS. during my 50th year.

visual of app with dig meat home

At Digme there really is something for everyone.. 

From the studio to online so there are no excuses you really can do something for your kind and body at any time of day. 

Workouts I love: 

Ride (Spin)

Meta HiTT


Breath Work

Run Club

If you’re thinking, right enough is enough, it’s time to start moving more, then I totally recommend Digme Fitness.

How to get the spring back into your step, so you find the joy in your workout..

pink star indicating a point Start with easy short-term goals, but keep it fun, otherwise you risk quick burnout. Ease into your training if it has been a while because your body and mind need some time to adjust. 

pink star indicating a point It doesn’t matter what you are into whether it’s running, yoga, spin, boxing or just a walk around the block or a bike ride with the children – the most important thing is getting back out there and enjoying the lighter nights.

pink star indicating a point Start with small bursts and increase your training every week. Choose challenging activities that will give you a buzz and as you progress each week you will soon start looking and feeling better.

Whatever you choose in order to move more, your mind and body really will thank you for it. I hope these tips help you find the joy in your workout and that I’ll see you in a Digme class soon!


signature, claire