A Little Mission – Join Me On National Walking Day

A Little Mission – Join Me On National Walking Day

sunshine in the park, captures national walking day

The first Wednesday of April is National Walking Day in the UK and I’d love you to join me on a walk to celebrate. Read on to find out more about why we celebrate this special day.

I love to walk and put on my walking boots almost daily to stomp in the Devon lanes. So that probably makes me a little biased about this wonderful day! I found myself on this years National Walking Day in one of the many parks in Sheffield. Did you know it’s a 15 minute city? 

What is a 15 Minute City

“Everyone living in a city should have access to essential urban services within a 15 minute walk or bike. The 15-Minute City Project is designed to help access-focused urban transformations be what we need them to be: ambitious, inclusive, measurable and effectively implemented.”

Why Walk? 

There are so many benefits to getting outside in the fresh air, rain or shine.

pink star indicating a point Getting outside is an important element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

pink star indicating a point Walking is a great way to get out doors and get your daily dose of vitamin D (did you know a deficit of this important vitamin can mimic signs of depression?)

pink star indicating a point It improves our health. Walking for 20-30 minutes or maintaining 10,000 steps per day is an effective way to improve your own health, physical and mental well-being 

pink star indicating a point It’s easy to do – No weights necessary. No special skills or talents. Just get out there and walk!

pink star indicating a point Walking increases blood flow to the brain and does wonders our mood.

pink star indicating a point Regular walks can help to prevent cardiovascular diseases, lower your blood sugar and boost immune function. Walking for 30 minutes can also help maintain a healthy weight 

pink star indicating a point Walking can help improve your sleep, all that fresh air!

pink star indicating a point On top of that, it is free and easy to fit into our daily routines.

I love to walk first thing in the morning before everyone wakes up. The best time of day for getting some vitamin D and daylight on to our faces.

A mini Mission for you – to embrace today and get outside, rain or shine and go for a walk. 

As Hippocrates says “Walking is man’s best medicine.”

Will you join me on a walk today? Or better still, add a walk to your daily or weekly #powerofanhour Share with a friend you’d love to walk with! 


A Little Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring

A Little Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring

Imagine relaxing here! Image credit: The Garden Company

A Little Mission – Refresh your Garden for spring so that you can enjoy your outdoor space as much as you would any room in your home.

Funny isn’t it how you can kid yourself that there can’t be too much to do in order to get the garden into a place ready for entertaining. I spent a lot of time in the garden last year but taking a look this last week, I have a “to do” list longer than I had anticipated.. Mainly because, just like the previous Blogs in this mini series, I was looking with fresh eyes, new ideas and my creating brain started whirring!

Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes

Marcel Proust

I’m not an expert gardener by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope that by sharing what has worked for me from an organisational point of view, might help you too. I’m learning every day and enjoying that process. Can’t beat a good Mission hey!

spring refresh white jug of garden flowers on a white ceramic tray
There’s something quite special about bringing flowers into the home straight from the garden.

We have a little family joke that looking after the garden is like outdoor housework and I guess in some ways it is!

Much like a Spring Refresh in your home, a plan is good. Remember you don’t need to do all the jobs in one day! Take that pressure away! Sometimes we can overwhelm ourselves with the prospect that a job will be BIG, time consuming, expensive and then we procrastinate..

With any project, home, garden, work or life; break it down into bite size chunks. Knowing the tasks ahead of you means you can plan a Power of an Hour or two to get started on your Spring Refresh – Garden Style!

First things first!

Grab a notebook and take a wonder around your garden, making a note of :

Paintwork that needs updating – fences, garden furniture, sheds and gates etc.

Any repairs that need doing; maybe a latch on the gate needs replacing or some paving has come loose.

Pots and tubs – do they need some attention? Are there any cracks or need an upcycle with a lick of paint before you plant out your seedlings?

Paving and walls – do they need some attention? Again, like your tubs, are there any cracks? Would they benefit from a powerwash or deep clean or your walls a paint?

Grass – that first cut is always a highlight and makes a world of difference instantly! As does redefining the edges that may have become scraggly over the winter months.

Service! This might be a time to give the lawnmover, strimmer and any garden tools a service or bit of TLC, depending on how organised you were at the end of last Summer!

This list isn’t exhaustive obviously, remember we are talking about a Spring Refresh in your garden, not designing a new outdoor space. However, creating this list, helped me plan what needs doing and when I could block out some time (and weather depending) when it could fit into my diary.

Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

Robin Williams

Mission Spring Clean!

I was introduced to a product a couple of years ago now which I love. Wet and Forget – literally does what it says on the bottle! If you have a delicate area that wouldn’t withstand a powerwasher or like us, you don’t have one, this is for you! Simply spray on the patio, driveway, walls etc and forget about it.

Within days, you’ll start to notice the area becoming cleaner and brighter. Give the patio, driveway area a good brush with a hard brush and you’ll notice any moss and weeds will come loose too. It’s quick, simple and more importantly works! It’s saved us a fortune – we’ve not needed to repaint the house!

Mission – Refresh Your Garden For Spring!

Paint work, especially on fences, decking and your garden furniture will certainly benefit from a little freshen up. There are hundreds of paints and treatments available, depending on your preference. Many have a preservative treatment within the paint, helping to give a longer life to your furniture.

refresh your garden For Spring

Top tips from Cuprinol

Preparation: All surfaces should be clean and dry. If your area to be up cycled has been previously coated, loose, flaking paint should be stripped back to bare wood. Test a small area first for colour and adhesion.

Colour: The final colour will vary depending on the surface and number of coats. Should adhesion be inadequate on previous coatings, lightly sand before application. Make sure wood has been pre treated with appropriate wood preserver to prevent wood and decay.

Apply: in dry conditions, above 5 degrees Celsius and when bad weather is not forecast, minimum of 2 coats required.

Brush: Stir thoroughly, before and during use. Brush on product, evenly, along the grain.

Spray: Stir thoroughly before pouring contents into the Cuprinol sprayer. Refer to the Sprayer user guide for full instructions before every use. Cover any nearby surfaces in case of overspray. Any overspray should be cleaned up immediately (whilst still wet) with water and household detergent.

Dry: Cuprinol Garden Shades will be touch dry in 1 hour under normal weather conditions. On areas subject to wear, such as garden furniture, allow a few days before heavy use or contact with soft furnishings. Believed to be safe, once dry, for use on wood which pets, wild animals and birds come into contact or gnaw.

refresh your garden For Spring
Even a small space can have a big inpact. The planters are from The Basket Company

Mission: Spring Refresh your Entertaining Space.

Regardless of how big or small your garden is, a little space where you can enjoy the a coffee morning sun or a chilled glass of wine in the evening, is magical. Enjoying our outdoor space, is invaluable.

refresh your garden For Spring
There’s something quite special about enjoying a cuppa and conversation outside.


Google, Pinterest and Instagram are a great place to start when looking for inspiration but be warned – it’s so easy to get sidetracked! There’s a variety depending on budget or you may be inspired to make your own! I hope they inspire you.

Our garden furniture was a gift when we moved into our first home together. We’ve not yet decided on our seating design or brand but I’ve shared some of my favourites finds for you, should you be looking too.

It really is hanging on by a thread or maybe the many layers of paint we’ve used to get “just another year” from it, for both sentimental reasons and also financial. Anyone slowly but surely renovating their home will know, there is a list of priorities!

The Little Touches!

The fun bit!

Plants, lighting and soft furnishings can really add the finishing touches to your garden or “outdoor room”. Balcony or grand estate, a Spring Refresh, there are hundreds and thousands of ideas that will turn your space into a sanctuary you’ll truly love.

I really hope that you are well and able to enjoy some time outside and that really hope this has helped you get motivated and inspired to get on with your Big Spring Refresh – The Garden.

image of the paxos garden set fromCharlesTed refresh your garden For Spring?

How we long for long, warm summer days, the sound of laughter and the clinking of glasses as we welcome friends and family back into our gardens.

I really can’t wait for the warmer days now can you?

Are you spending this weekend tackling the garden jobs?

What’s on your Mission list to refresh your garden For Spring?

I’d love to know what garden projects you have planned this year. Let me know in the comments below and join in the conversation on Instagram The Dartmoor Village Garden board on was created for my White Garden inspiration if you fancy taking a look..

Looking hearward from you.

Much love

PS Alice Blount Designs and I wrote a blog about Gardening being good for the soul , it’s still available on the Blog should you wish to take a look.

How to find the joy within your workout

How to find the joy within your workout

lady leaping wearing fitness clothes

You CAN find joy within your workout, as long as you find the right workout for you.

Getting fitter and staying fit has many positive benefits, it’s the starting that can be the tricky thing if you’ve had a break for a while.

The key thing for me is that I have to do something I love and feel a real connection with the people I’m training with. 

After all, life is short and if you don’t enjoy a workout maybe, you’ve just not found the right one yet?? 

Having qualified as a PT, founded and ran my own fitness and lifestyle business for almost a decade, I know just how much benefit you can get from a good workout, mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s also magical to see your clients feel the same. 

finding the joy in the early morning sunrise on my walk

The winter often has a negative impact on people’s schedules for keeping fit. The cold weather and dark nights can demoralise the best of us and have us snuggled up on the couch next to the fire indoors, however I’m going to share some tips on springing back into action and getting back into your exercise routine.

Whether you are starting again or continuing on with your activities, now is a great time to increase your fitness activities.  If you are training outdoors the fresh air will do you good and re-energise your winter lull.

It is fantastic now the mornings are brighter and the evenings are longer, it certainly makes a huge difference being outside in the open air. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know I love my early morning stomp in the Devon Lanes.

The Digme Studio Experience – Anytime. Anywhere.

March 2020 and as if you need reminding, Lockdown happened. We were all working and working out from home and became spoilt for choice with instructors taking their business online. Digme On Demand has kept me going since then, with over 100 Live classes & On Demand workouts each week, including Cycle, HIIT, Strength, Run, Yoga, Breathwork, Walk classes with their world class instructors.

I found Digme Fitness with huge thanks to Mr Ben Shepherd and his instagram live workouts he was doing with Ben Davies. Ben is the head coach at Digme and I loved joining in with their Challenges each week during that crazy Spring / Summer of 2020. Thank you Mr Shephard! So much fun and banter – I miss it! 

I discovered that within 48 hours of the UK going into National Lockdown, the Digme crew and their incredible instructors turned their business entirely online. Hurrah!  Living in Devon, it’s not possible to travel to their London Studios but it IS possible to feel apart of the Digme Family. 

There are fabulous motivational challenges with that extra power boost that only the Digme community can bring, so whatever your schedule and whatever your health and fitness goals, you’ll certainly be catered for. These challenges are certainly helping me on my Mission 50 for DKMS; my Mission to raise £50,000 for the blood cancer charity DKMS. during my 50th year.

visual of app with dig meat home

At Digme there really is something for everyone.. 

From the studio to online so there are no excuses you really can do something for your kind and body at any time of day. 

Workouts I love: 

Ride (Spin)

Meta HiTT


Breath Work

Run Club

If you’re thinking, right enough is enough, it’s time to start moving more, then I totally recommend Digme Fitness.

How to get the spring back into your step, so you find the joy in your workout..

pink star indicating a point Start with easy short-term goals, but keep it fun, otherwise you risk quick burnout. Ease into your training if it has been a while because your body and mind need some time to adjust. 

pink star indicating a point It doesn’t matter what you are into whether it’s running, yoga, spin, boxing or just a walk around the block or a bike ride with the children – the most important thing is getting back out there and enjoying the lighter nights.

pink star indicating a point Start with small bursts and increase your training every week. Choose challenging activities that will give you a buzz and as you progress each week you will soon start looking and feeling better.

Whatever you choose in order to move more, your mind and body really will thank you for it. I hope these tips help you find the joy in your workout and that I’ll see you in a Digme class soon!


signature, claire
How to add more greens to your lifestyle, simply.

How to add more greens to your lifestyle, simply.

My book, the Green Smoothie Lifestyle will help you add the essential greens into your lifestyle with minimum effort.

We live in a very hectic world today where everyone is focused on building a successful career and raising a happy family. We can often place our health on the backburner, thinking that we can exercise and eat right later on, when the “to do” list is done. I know I’m not alone in this!

It’s easy to procrastinate exercise, waiting until you’re successful or have time to spare, opting instead for quick, unhealthy meals because they have no time to prepare well-balanced meals.

“If you don’t make time for your health, you must make time for illness.”

Does this sound familiar?

We all know what we need to do to live a healthier life, but by making small changes to your health by drinking more water, less caffeine, adding more greens can make a huge difference to not only your long term health but how you feel..

Bottle of green smoothie with a straw, broccoli on the side

Today, more than ever, we need to focus on our health and well-being. It is crucial. Our lives are filled with deadlines, meetings, work demands and stress. There is lots of overwhelm when it comes to what to eat and when and quick and easy foods after a busy day at work can often be high in calories but low in nutrients.

Green smoothies are a massive shortcut to excellent health & vitality. 

This is why I’ve added my favourite collection of green smoothies together and produced them in this simple to use ebook. It’s easily downloadable to your smartphone or tablet so you’ll be able to read it on the move.

My book also contains a shopping list of the ingredients you’ll need to make introducing the Green Smoothie Lifestyle into your world without it becoming overwhelming or you already feeling like it’s too much to get started..

meal planner and shopper image

To help you with menu planning, shopping lists and lifestyle organisation, I’ve added a series of tools, free and delivered straight to your in box. You can find them here

“These are the easiest green smoothies I’ve tried and because of the simple selection of ingredients, I’ve been able to incorporate them into my daily routine with ease.

I drink some in the morning, post workout and to avoid my mid-afternoon cravings.

These smoothies have helped me increase my vegetable consumption dramatically.”


Is this book for you?

image of cover of the book

Yes – if you already have smoothies in your life and you’d like some more recipes and ideas.

Yes – if you’re guilty of having neglected your health for a while. Cast your fears aside. Your health and body constantly seek to improve and get better. You just need to assist them.

Simply order your copy now by clicking this link and it will arrive straight to your in-box.

(remember to click ‘return to merchant’ when you’ve purchased and you’ll be directed straight to your book)  

What else do I cover in the book..?

I’ve kept it really simple and answered all these questions:

pink star indicating a point Why green smoothies?

pink star indicating a point What are the best greens I should use?

pink star indicating a point What are smoothies and how to make one?

pink star indicating a point Are there benefits of adding Green Smoothies to your life and what are they?

pink star indicating a point Are smoothies safe and how to avoid the common mistakes?

pink star indicating a point How to make green smoothies part of your life.

All these questions will be answered together with 7 fab recipes for you add to your lifestyle..

Here’s that link again

I really hope you love it, a simple but effective ebook to add more greens to your lifestyle.

Please do share your pictures of your green smoothies with me and remember to tag me in and use the hashtag #greensmoothielifestyle


signature, claire
Burns Night Celebration – One Of The Biggest Nights In Scotland?

Burns Night Celebration – One Of The Biggest Nights In Scotland?

Image Pinterest

The Burns Night celebration was big in my house growing up.

This blog contains some traditions and yummy recipes so you can join in with the Scottish Traditions.

Burns Night is annually celebrated in Scotland on or around January 25th.

It’s a big question; what is the biggest night in Scotland, New Years Eve or Burns Night?

What would you say? I guess it depends on your background.

My father was a Scot. He would tell us stories about the famous poet Robbie Burns as my mother prepared Cullen Stink (a smoked fish soup, traditionally a starter) and Haggis, Neeps and Tatties and many more delights for their guests as they would come and celebrate with a special Burn’s Night supper.

I remember Dad practicing the important role of “addressing the haggis” as sister and I used to giggle but I’d do anything to hear him getting prepared for this famous Scottish tradition again.

Burns Night commemorates the life of the bard (poet) Robert Burns,

who was born on January 25, 1759.

So what is a Burn’s Night Celebration?

Burns Night has been celebrated in Scotland for over 200 years. Originally started by friends of Robert Burns as a supper with recitals of his much-loved work to commemorate the 5th anniversary of this death.

Today, the celebration is held on or around his birthday on 25th January but the sentiment is the still the same; an evening of Caledonian food and drink, friendship, good natured banter and a chance to celebrate the nation’s favourite Bard.

So long as the emphasis of the evening is excellent company, food and a dram or three of a good single malt then the great man himself would surely approve, as did my dear Dad!

Burns Night Supper Invitation.

So if you are going out or having a Burns Night celebration at home, here’s what you need to know to ensure you get it right on the night!

The menu, just like the traditional ceremony, has not changed much either over the years. However, with Scottish descendants scattered all over the world the supper now often incorporates elements of the local cuisine and regional flavours too. Seasonal variations and contemporary twists on the menu are fine.


Starter: Cullen Skink – a traditional Scottish soup with a rich, creamy flavour.

Main Course: Haggis, Needs and Tatties

Desert: Cranachan

And of course, all washed down with a fine wee dram – that’s whisky to you and me! It was quite the occasion.

Cullen Skink

A classic Scottish recipe, Cullen Skink is an easy traditional Scottish soup with a rich, creamy flavour.

Serves 4, cooking time 25 minutes. Super easy.


Recipe and image credit Delicious Magazine

Large (approx 900g) smoked, un-dyed haddock

2 large potatoes

2 pints milk

1 bay leaf

handful of flat leaf parsley, chopped.

Knobs of butter.


pink star indicating a point Bring the milk to a gentle boil and poach the haddock for three minutes along with the bay leaf and finely chopped parsley stalks (save the leaves for later on). Turn off the heat and leave for 5 – 10 minutes, then remove the fish and set aside.

pink star indicating a point In a large pan gently soften the onion in the butter for a few minutes.  Add the warmed milk to the onions and add the mashed potato. Cook gently.

pink star indicating a point Flake the haddock into bite size chunks making sure you remove all bones and any skin. Add to the soup along with the parsley and cook for a further 5 minutes. Season as required, though it’s worth remembering that the smoked fish adds a lot of salt to the dish.

This short but important poem is usually read before the main meal and the piping in of the haggis.

The Selkirk Grace

“Some hae meat and canna eat, 

And some wad eat that want it, 

“But we hae meat and we can eat, 

And sae the Lord be thankit.”

Haggis, Neeps & Tatties

Serves 6. Cooks in 55 Minutes.  Difficulty super easy!

Recipe and image credit Jamie Oliver


500g quality haggis

400 g turnips or swedes, peeled and quartered
450 g potatoes, peeled and quartered
100 g unsalted butter
8 spring onions, roughly chopped
30 ml double cream (switch to coconut milk if you are wishing to stay cleaner)


pink star indicating a point Cook the haggis in a large pan of boiling water according to your butcher’s instructions.

pink star indicating a point Peel and quarter the potatoes and turnips or swedes.

pink star indicating a point Place the haggis in a large pan of boiling water and cook according to the packet instructions. 

pink star indicating a point Cook the turnips or swedes and the potatoes in separate pans of boiling salted water for 20 to 25 minutes, or until tender. Drain the veg separately. 

pink star indicating a point Return the turnips or swedes to the pan, add half the butter and mash, keeping chunky. Season to taste. Cover to keep warm.

pink star indicating a point Trim and roughly chop the spring onions. Melt the remaining butter in the potato pan, add the spring onions and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, or until softened. Return the potatoes to the pan and mash with the cream until quite smooth, seasoning to taste. Cover to keep warm.

pink star indicating a point Remove the cooked haggis, cut open and place a portion onto each warmed plate. Divide up the turnips or swedes and potatoes (neeps & tatties) and serve.


Mary Berry’s classic Scottish Cranachan is super easy to whip up, but she does stress, “Hold back some of the crunchy oats and raspberries for a pretty topping, but don’t hold back on the whisky!”

Preparation time:less than 30 mins

Cooking time: less than 10 mins. Makes 8


knob of butter

100g/3½oz light muscovado sugar

100g/3½oz jumbo oats

250g/9oz mascarpone

300ml/½ pint double cream

75ml/2½fl oz whisky

450g/1lb raspberries


pink star indicating a point Put the butter, sugar and oats in a saucepan and stir over a high heat for 4–5 minutes, or until toasted and crunchy. Set aside to cool.

pink star indicating a point Measure the mascarpone and cream into a bowl and whisk until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed from the bowl. 

pink star indicating a point Add the whisky, 300g/10½oz raspberries and two-thirds of the cooled oats. Mix until combined, but try to keep the raspberries fairly whole.

pink star indicating a point Spoon into glasses and top with the remaining raspberries and crunchy oats.

Other suggestions;

Oat cakes and cheese


Are you Vegetarian or prefer to eat a meat free diet?

Don’t worry, the BBC Food Guide have it covered!

I hope this has given you some ideas of how to have a fabulous Burns Night celebration.

Let me know what you are up to especially if you are heading out to celebrate the life of good ole Robbie Burns.

You’ve got to to love those old family traditions, I’d love to know yours..