On the day that traditionally is the Monday in January when people feel more sad, I’m sharing my simple and effective ways to stop the Blues. Do you have the Blues this January? It’s not uncommon.
Some people call today Blue Monday but this year it seems it’s taking some of us longer to get over the January blues.

Why is that?
Christmas and all the festivities that come with it is over..
New Year has been celebrated and the Champagne corks have been tidied along with several trips to the bottle bank!!
You may still even be finding pine needles!
Normality (whatever that is!) has resumed!
It’s cold and dark and although we’ve had a dry winter, summer seems a long way off. Oh and then to top it all off your friendly postie arrives with some bills!
No more ‘happy” post filling our letter boxes but those hideous brown envelopes informing us we need to pay the bills.
Darn it – everything was happy and smiley and we forgot reality for a while. Yes this week is a week when many of us feel a bit blue!
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world’
robin williams
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a recognised condition. It’s also known as Winter Depression, winter blues, summer depression, summer blues or seasonal depression.. a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms during the winter or summer…
So no, you are not going mad if you feel a bit blue this week..

What’s your plan of attack this January..?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to start?
Maybe you’ve had so many big ideas this New Year that this year was going to be different to last year and maybe the year before that, but it’s all fallen a bit flat?
If you’d like a helping hand with your Missions this year, I’d love to help. Visit my Instagram or join my free Facebook Group “Mission HQ” for this weeks Mission and where you can join the conversation.
‘Extraordinary things are always hiding in places people never think to look’
Jodi picoult
Here are my top tips to stop the Blues this January and help you feeling a little bit brighter again.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s OK to have a good cry or feel a bit rubbish sometimes, it’s how you deal with it that counts.
Talk to loved ones and good friends, it’s OK to be vulnerable and share how you are feeling.

Be kind to yourself, holistically. Self care goes a long way especially at this time of year.
My Free Consistency Checklist is a tool to help you keep track of your progress each day. Be consistent with your actions; stay hydrated, eat fresh foods and make sure you get plenty of sleep and you’ll be amazed with the difference it makes.
Get outside in the fresh air..
You might be reading this when there is possibly a howling gale going on outside and snow might even be forecast but wear the right clothes are you will feel better for it. Honest, even if it’s a quick trip around the block!

Get some Vitamin D in you!
We all know that vitamin D is essential for maintenance of teeth and bone health. It does this by supporting the incorporation of calcium and reducing the loss of calcium from the teeth and bone structure. But did you know that if your vitamin D levels are low, you can feel blue?
A way to boost your vitamin D and your immune system, especially in winter when there is not much sun around is to do so with a Vitamin D supplement. I love these ones.

Light Therapy.
Light helps relieve the blue feeling also, although there is not much light around at the moment. Something else you can try is an investment in a Dawn Alarm Clock..
There are lots on the market, with lots of different price tags! However, they have been proved to be very effective and an 85% better response than using bright light therapies.
They work by waking you up with a gradual brightening light – helping you feel alert and energised all day. The light cues your body to produce more cortisol, setting a sleep and wake cycle which aids early mornings and beating those winter blues.
* A study in 2012 showed that patents who used dawn alarm clock experienced improvement during the first week and increased results throughout several weeks.
Most studies have found the dawn alarm clocks most effective seasonally as opposed to all year round, until frequent natural light exposure is naturally obtained. i.e. the clocks go back and spring has sprung!
Avery D.
Interesting don’t you think?
Finally, if the blues don’t seem to be going away, please don’t be afraid of seeking professional help, You don’t have to deal with them on your own.

Before I go, here’s a quick fix you can do right now, so stop what you’re doing and give these a try!
* Scribble a list of all the things that make you smile..
* Stick on a top tune and dance around the kitchen. Feel free to check out my playlists on Spotify
* Look through a photo album of a fun summer holidays and plan another.
* Release those feel-good endorphins!
Whatever your Mission this year, this January, be sure that by trying these quick little tips, will help do a little something to keep the Blues this January at bay. .

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you’ll know that my “go to” treat to cheer me up is a walk in the great outdoors, flowers, candles and of course hugs from my family too.. Guaranteed to make me smile every time and they are calorie free too 😉
I’d love top know what you are doing to stop the blues this January. Let me know in the comments.
Wishing you a very Happy Monday,

PS Remember you can find some free organisational tools that will help reduce overwhelm and help you feel more in control.
* (Avery, D. H.; Eder, D. N.; Bolte, M. A.; Hellekson, C. J.; Dunner, D. L.; Vitiello, M. V.; Prinz, P. N. (2001). “Dawn simulation and bright light in the treatment of SAD: A controlled study”.Biological psychiatry 50 (3): 205“216) (The Can-SAD Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of Light Therapy and Fluoxetine in Patients with Winter Seasonal Affective Disorder”.American Journal of Psychiatry163 (5): 805“812.
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